To record location you may use the map below or use known latitude and longitude (Please choose only ONE)

PLEASE: At this time, we are requesting that you only submit a sighting accompanied by a web address for an image or published news item. Thank you.

  1. Center (click-drag) drag tool and zoom in + to the area of greatest detail that you are able to identify.
  2. Click to mark the spot. Please, only one location per report (multiples will be ignored). To correct, simply click the marker mola icon and reselect.

OR degrees ° minutes ' seconds" degrees ° minutes ' seconds"

OR decimal degrees ° decimal degrees °

Nearest city, town or landfall:

Name: Email:(required) Privacy notice

I would like to be informed of sunfish news.

Date of sighting Appx. time of sighting:

Number of sunfish:

Sea conditions: Sunny    Overcast or fog    Rain    Calm    Windy
temperature Water Temperature: ° C     F


common mola
Mola mola
Masturus lanceolatus
Masturus lanceolatus*
slender mola
Ranzania laevis
    *Please be sure to photograph/check the tail region as this is the single most distinguishing characteristic between the genera

Behavior (swimming, laying on side, active, lethargic, etc.)

Parasites and/or distinguishing marks noted:

Fishermen finding molas in their incidental catch are asked to provide measurements as able:

     Length from mouth to tail

URL (web address for a photo or published news item pertaining to this sightng) and comments (including other sealife in the immediate area)

NEW: attach an image (up to 5MB in JPEG format). By submitting, you represent that you own the image and are not infringing upon anyone's copyright. You give permission to use the image on this site and in the researcher's presentations with proper citation.

I am a member of a regular marinelife observation/survey team