I’d like to tell you a story about a very special little girl who inspired the creation of the Adopt a Sunfish Project. Early in 2007, I was serving as a National Geographic expert on a Lindblad/National Geographic Expedition to Baja, California. This trip explores the whale-filled reaches of the famous Gulf of California–see www.expeditions.com/. During the adventure, I met an amazing family with a ten-year old girl named Hunter Philips. Now, it turns out, Hunter is just as enamored with mola as I am and the more she learned about these fish, the more she wanted to learn. She asked me how she could help our research efforts and suggested that we start up a means of adopting a sunfish or otherwise contributing to our research. In this way, she said anyone in the world could help us discover more about these magnificent animals.
So after several months of planning, fueled by Hunter’s endless zeal and encouragement, we hereby present the Adopt a Sunfish Project. Thank you, Hunter!
The Adopt a Sunfish Project is dedicated to unraveling the mystery of the world’s heaviest bony fish–the planet’s greatest jelly eater–and to raising awareness for the need to conserve the ocean’s resources. All donations go to support our mola research.
There are several ways you can help the Adopt a Sunfish Project.
For the following donations you will receive:
If you are interested in helping the Adopt a Sunfish Project, please email info@oceansunfish.org for details and put Adopt A Sunfish in the subject header or click below to donate now. If you want to make an adoption in someone else’s name just write these directions in an email to info@oceansunfish.org and then make your donation.